
We are asking visitors to our library to book ahead of their visit.

As time will be limited, we recommend planning out your visit beforehand to ensure you are getting the most out of the resources we have available. The Library books are now listed on the Salford Library Catalogue online.

Newspapers, early directories and some early voters lists are held on microfilm, please mention below if you require a microfilm reader.

Appointments are limited so please do let us know if you can no longer make it to your booking. Visits are free; however, we welcome donations. Your support helps the museum to deliver a range of educational activities and to produce a changing exhibitions programme.

We can confirm that our drop-in Saturday visits (12-4pm) will continue into 2025! Please see below for the full list of dates. So if you haven’t had a chance to pop in, please do we would love to see you.

30th March, 27th April, 25th May, 22nd June, 20th July, 17th August, 14th September, 12th October, 9th November, 7th December, 4th January 2025, 1st February 2025, 1st March 2025.

Important notice

Material from the Salford City Archives are not stored in the library but can be pre-booked to view. Please contact the library beforehand to arrange for delivery of items for your visit – most of these items are listed on GM Lives or the National Archives Discovery websites. Paper copies of the Archive holdings are available in the library, so may require a visit to view separately.